en:vhf_en_05 [ОрбиКрафт 3D]


What is Orbicraft for?

Assembling the OrbiCraft 3D

OrbiCraft 3D interfaces

Work with earth-based UHF

Work with Wifi

Work through the WEB interface

Required software and library description

Houston Control Center Software

Arduino-Based payload

Laboratory equipment



Reaction wheel

Reaction wheel address is 0х0A (10 in decimal form). Below there presented the list of packet-commands and packet-responses for reaction wheel module. Packet-responses are marked with tilde «~» character.

Every command has its default address, code, name, description and parameters. Address and code are separated by hyphen, name separated by space, for example A-A01 rpm.

Let’s study some commands intended for receiving of periodic packets with information on reaction wheel’s rotation rate.

Command A-A01 rpm - setting the reaction wheel’s rotation rate:

  • А – default address (in this case it is the address of reaction wheel module – 0х0А);
  • A01 – command code for subsystems to understand the meaning of the command;
  • rpm (rate per minute) – name of command for setting the reaction wheel rotation rate.

Upon click on command the Fields field will display the parameters (if they are exist) and command description. Parameter of rpm command is reaction wheel’s rotation rate noted in reels per minute that will be set on command sent. To send the command, press To server button or Enter at keyboard.

Command A-A63 cgf_regular_telemerty_on – setting the period for sending packets:

  • А – default address (in this case it is the address of reaction wheel module – 0х0А);
  • A63 – command code for subsystems to understand the meaning of the command;
  • cgf_regular_telemerty_on – name of command for setting the period for sending packets.

From Figure you shall see that period for sending the packets is set as 500 microseconds.

Do not set the period for sending the packets less than 200 ms, otherwise you will not be able to receive other packets due to stuffed channel.

Command A-A61 cgf_get_dest_id – setting the address for command receiver (for «air» - 0х01):

  • А – default address (in this case it is the address of flywheel module – 0х0А);
  • A61 – command code for subsystems to understand the meaning of the command;
  • cgf_get_dest_id – name of command for setting the address.

Then set the flag besides command A-AD1 regular_velocity to see history of commands.

Example of history of commands.

Description for history presented at the Figure above: first two rows shows that there were sent three commands (Dir: out, Status: Sent):

rpm setting the rotation rate rpm with value 300; cgf_regular_telemerty_on – setting the period for sending the packets; cgf_get_dest_id – setting address for packets.

Then there were set the flag for reception of flywheel’s rotation rate (regular_velocity). In response (Dir: in, Status: Received) we received the value for flywheel’s rotation rate (Packet: ~regular__velocity) and, less often, heartbeat.

Based on the data received we may observe the plot changed in real time. To do so, open the tab at wheels in Plots field:

Plot example:

Besides regular packets, it is possible to send one-time requests.

For example, in response to command A-FFE0 request_version (request for flywheel module firmware version) the system will send ~version_sw packet providing that flag is set besides ~A-FFE1 version_sw at Tree field.

Response example.

You may view response parameters by clicking on corresponding line at History field.

en/vhf_en_05.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/04 12:42 by golikov